One Day With… Monique Désar (ADVERTORIAL)

“This is it” Monique Désar makes a clear statement. She’s a haute couture fashion designer and wants to do this for the rest of her life.

Saturday 26th of June was the fashion show of Désar Design. Creative director and business ... More


Kim Kötter

Businesswoman and television host

Blond and not so smart…that is what the image was of beauty queens, before I started running the pageants in the Netherlands. Donald Trump, who acquired miss Universe, asked me to take over the Miss Universe ... More


Mirik Milan

Amsterdam’s Rebellious Mayor of the Night

‘Child of the Night’
My story is the same as most young creatives who operate in the cover of night. Being part of the night you are given a form of freedom that doesn’t exist ... More


Heidi Alemans

Global Project Lead at Unilever & Stuntwoman

‘Go for it’
Energetic, ambitious, somebody who does not give up quickly and a bit impatient: this is how other people describe me. I am lucky to work in a company that really appreciates ... More


Guy van der Reijden

Celebrity personal trainer and lifestyle coach

I’m one of the first personal trainers in Holland. I was around eighteen years old when I started on my own, mainly as a strength and conditioning coach for athletes. But what I realized ... More


Inge de Bruijn

Four-time Olympic champion swimmer and a former World record holder

‘The best in me’
It is a privilege to experience the life of a professional swimmer: traveling, meeting new people and being in different cultures. Sports also shape you as a ... More


Nadia Palesa Poeschmann

Presenter, reporter, model, actress, DJ, entrepreneur, degree in Media and Culture

After modeling for 2 years in Paris, I was tired of living out of a suitcase. I felt the need to develop myself for other work in the future ... More


Ralph Moorman

Health expert and Master of Science in food technology.

What is the most important thing in life? Almost everyone will say: good health. And good health is connected to good food. My initial goal was to make tasty and ... More


Carlos Lens

Personal trainer and fitness expert

‘Fitness guru’
I feel no pressure when others call me a fitness guru. It is a recognition of my work. I’ve been in this business for a long time, have helped many in reaching their goals ... More


Gianni Romme

Former world records holder and Olympic champion in speed skating

When somebody walks into a room, I already can see if that person is a top winner. I’m not talking about having a killer mentality, because you also can be ... More


Usain Bolt

Usain Bolt: “I want to be among the greats of Ali and Pele”

by Lexter Woodley
photography by Melanie Mrakovcic
location: Sheraton hotel, Brussels, Belgium

There’s no rush when he enters the room. The fastest man alive takes his time ... More


Marc de Hond

Presenter and entrepreneur

I wrote the book Perseverance (Kracht) to share my experiences. It was not my primal goal to inspire others, but I did have the confidence that my story could mean something for others. This book is a ... More

Esther Akihary_1

Esther Akihary

Athlete and lawyer

When I saw the Olympics in Sydney 2000 I dreamt of being like Marion Jones and Maurice Green. They were my heroes. That’s when I first visualized myself being an athlete. Now I’m proud to be an ... More


Tom Nuyens

Founder of Limitless Academy

‘Mister World’
I became the first Mister Belgium in 1995 and the first Mister World in 1996. All of this was unreal to me then. I saw the whole competition more like a game, nothing to take ... More

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Astrid van der Veldt

Doctor in training at the VU University Medical Center

‘Double dissertation’
Currently, I am a doctor in training. In 2012, I defended two PhD theses on the same day, which is not common. At the time, I was involved in two ... More


Femke van der Gaag

Manager at the Medical Center Haaglanden

I think a lot of people see me as cheerful, optimistic and ambitious. Creative, that’s what I am too. Especially when it comes to clothing, I can get inspiration from anywhere and the creativity ... More